Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Rockford Woods aid passes unanimously

The residents of the Rockford Woods development in Northside will finally receive $250,000 in City assistance.

Cincinnati City Council unanimously approved the funds, which will pay for legal fees, the establishment of a homeowners association, and the upgrading of the subdivision's private streets to public standards.

The subdivision was abandoned in 2001 by developers EEHV, LLC, leaving incomplete property records and inadequate infrastructure.

Residents believed that a homeowners association would pay for basic maintenance and improvements, but one was never established by the developers - leaving homeowners to pay out of their own pockets for streetlights, a sewer system, road maintenance, and property taxes on common areas.

The City funding closes out a 2005 agreement in which EEHV, LLC agreed to pay all outstanding debts on the development.

Previous reading on BC:
City to finally resolve Rockford Woods fiasco (2/5/08)


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