Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Cincinnati council supports Ohio River Trail

A resolution to support state funding for the Ohio River Trail was passed unanimously by Cincinnati City Council.

The resolution, sponsored by councilmembers Chris Monzel and Jeff Berding, says that state funding is "the most prudent and expeditious way to move the Ohio River Trail forward".

The $15 million-$20 million bike/hike trail is currently in the design and environmental document phase, which was paid for by federal highway funds. At the same time, the City has been working with FEMA on floodplain management issues because the project is in a 100-year flood plain.

When completed, the Ohio River Trail could eventually extend from Downtown to New Richmond.

The resolution makes the opinions of council a matter of public record and will be shared with local members of the Ohio General Assembly.

Previous reading on BC:
City seeking comments for river trail funds (11/16/07)
Ohio River Trail: Three alternatives (5/18/07)


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